Your Dad may say silly little things like “nah, I don’t need anything”, “don’t worry about it”, or “spending time with you is my present” when talking about what he wants for Father’s Day.

He’s lying.

I, a Father, am here to share with you there’s only one thing all Dads are hoping to receive next month in celebration of fatherhood: a macaroni necklace beer. Yes, the nectar of the gods, beer. This is actually great news if you’ve been stuck between choosing the customized photo album or personalized golf socks, forget ’em!

If you know your old man’s drink of choice you can swing past the local bottle-o for a six-pack or, better yet, send them on a brewery tour from the comfort of their own home. The legends at Beer Hug can give your Dad a taste of the best craft beer breweries Australia has to offer without ever getting out of his comfy chair. They’ll send him a box full of beer to enjoy and you’ll have nailed Father’s Day for another year without ever leaving the couch, easy.

Order your Dad a beer hug HERE and you’ll be the favourite child this Father’s Day (sorry handmade-picture-frame kid).

Here's one of our favourite moments from Robin & Kip!